Friday, June 5, 2009

Last week we went to the Hockinson Days parade, in down town Hockinson. It's probably the only parade that has the local icecream man and all the grandpas riding their tractors, but for a little boy who loves tractors it's the greatest. It was a beautiful day for a parade, and it got the kids out of the house so Daddy and Grandpa could fix the leak under our house. Peter had a blast and it's was fun to see all the random things and people that were in the parade.

Getting ready for the parade!
Peter being so big had to put the sun screen all by him self.

Peter and grandma all ready and waiting for the parade to start.

We had to make sure that the pipes didn't leak anymore and what better way to check than to turn the sprinkler on.

A perfect end to the hot day. Running through the sprinkler and getting all tired out.

Morgaine had a great day too. slept through the parade and running in the sprinkler, but did enjoy the nice weather with us.